The Skeleton Dance (1929)

The Skeleton Dance poster

Walt Disney Productions
Directed by:
 Walt Disney

Synopsis: The first and one of Disney’s most popular Silly Symphonies sees a group of skeletons emerging from a graveyard to dance at midnight.

Cartoon Cats: Near the beginning of the film two black cats are having a dispute as they stand on tombstones facing one another and hissing.

The Skeleton Dance - black cats facing off on tombstones at night

The Skeleton Dance - black cats facing off on tombstones at night

The Skeleton Dance - black cats hissing and spitting at each other on tombstones at night

The cats pull each other’s noses out, shortening their tails and then snapping them back.

The Skeleton Dance - black cats pull each others' noses on tombstones at night

The Skeleton Dance - black cats pull each others' noses on tombstones at night

The one cat hisses and spits all over the other. In retaliation, the other cat spits tobacco back.

The Skeleton Dance - black cat spits on other black cat on tombstones at night

The Skeleton Dance - black cat spits on other black cat on tombstones at night

A skeleton then emerges from a grave and the cats are so scared their fur flies off. They run away.

The Skeleton Dance - black cat scared by skeleton on tombstones at night

The Skeleton Dance - black cats fur scared off by skeleton on tombstones at night

The Skeleton Dance - black cats scared by skeleton on tombstones at night animated gif

Later when the skeletons are playing music on makeshift instruments, one of them has a cat by the tail. The cat meows as the skeleton steps on his neck and pulls out his tail to play the poor animal like a bass.

The Skeleton Dance - black cat's tail grabbed by skeleton

The Skeleton Dance - black cat yowling as skeleton steps on him

The Skeleton Dance - black cat being played like bass by skeleton

Final Mewsings: Better than the skeleton actually making catgut, I guess!

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