For Your Health! (1932)

Directed by: Aleksandr Medvedkin

Synopsis: One of the Cinetrain films by Medvedkin which focuses on cleanliness.

Kitty Cameo: The silent short film begins with a close up of a gray tabby cat preening itself. This is interspersed with a man wiping his face.

For Your Health! - close up of gray cat washing face

The film of the cat is flipped for one moment.

For Your Health! - close up of gray cat washing face flipped

The cat returns later, once again preening.

For Your Health! - close up of gray tabby cat

The film is frozen on the cat with its mouth open, as if it is staring agape at the men trying to get clean.

For Your Health! - close up of gray cat with mouth open

Final Mewsings: Cats know cleanliness is next to godliness, even in a communist country.

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