Pest Man Wins (1951)

Directed by: Jules White

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning!

Synopsis: The Stooges (Larry Fine, Moe Howard and Shemp Howard) are door-to-door pest control salesmen who get the bright idea to release a bunch of critters inside a house before a big party to drum up business.

Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): As Mrs. Castor (Margie Liszt) prepares for the party, the Stooges appear outside the window. Larry is holding a sack over his shoulder with a tuxedo cat’s head poking out.

Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cat in bag outside window
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cat in bag outside window
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cat in bag outside window
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cat in bag outside window
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cats in bag approaching window animated gif

Realizing a party is about to take place, the Stooges walk away, deducing that they won’t be able to sell their services. Larry sets down the bag of cats (undoubtedly there is only the one cat in the bag for the filming). As he sets the bag down, the cat actor jumps forward but only falls over since he is tucked inside the bag.

Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cat in bag turning from window
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cat in bag turning from window
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cat in bag
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry setting down cat in bag
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry setting down cat in bag animated gif

The Stooges get the idea to spread some of the pests they happen to have around the house. Larry carries the cat bag with him back to the window where he places a mouse.

Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Larry with cat in bag

After planting moths, ants and mice around the house, the Stooges ring the doorbell. Mrs. Castor is happy to have them rid her of the pests but suggests the butler Meadows (Emil Sitka) put them in nicer clothes so they can blend with the guests while doing their work.

Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cat in bag talk to Mrs. Castor Margie Liszt and Meadows Emil Sitka
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cat in bag
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cat in bag

Later it is Shemp carrying the cat bag into the party. When Mrs. Castor sees him, she tells him to get rid of the cats before the guests see them.

Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Shemp with cat in bag
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Shemp with cat in bag scolded by Mrs. Castor Margie Liszt

Kitty Carnage Warning! Larry and Shemp come up with the idea of placing the cat bag into the piano. Of course a guest sits down to play and the cats start to meow. When the man opens the lid of the piano, the cats come flying out! Whoever is inside the piano is literally chucking the cats out.

Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cat flying out of piano
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cat flying out of piano
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cats flying out of piano animated gif

Larry then crawls into the piano to get the rest of the cats, three more of which come flying out.

Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cat flying out of piano
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cats flying out of piano animated gif

The party then devolves into a huge pie fight. At the very end Mrs. Castor knocks the boys out and then stands looking surprised as three cats lick the pie filling and cream off the unconscious Stooges’ faces.

Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cats licking pie off their faces
Pest Man Wins - Three Stooges Moe Shemp Larry with cats licking pie off their faces animated gif

This is a remake of the earlier Stooges short Ants in the Pantry which had Curly Howard as the cat handler of the business.

Final Mewsings: Cats would like to be consulted before performing knockabout comedy.

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