British Pathé Synopsis: Newsreel footage from Welwyn, Hertfordshire, England, features Willie the dachshund who uses a little chariot to get around. Reality Cat: Willie, whose back legs are paralyzed, is shown scampering around aided by a small chariot. In one shot Willie is running by a fence, apparently barking at a tuxedo cat who is […]
Category Archives: Recent
Doubt (2008)
Directed by: John Patrick Shanley Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Sister Aloysius Beauvier (Meryl Streep) suspects Father Brendan Flynn (Philip Seymour Hoffman) of sexually abusing a student in their Catholic school. Kitty Cameo: Sister Beauvier is discussing the matter with Sister James (Amy Adams) when […]
An Unfinished Life (2005)
Directed by: Lasse Hallström Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A rancher named Einar Gilkyson (Robert Redford) is surprised when his daughter-in-law Jean (Jennifer Lopez) shows up with his granddaughter Griff (Becca Gardner) seeking shelter from an abusive relationship. Cat Cattle Call: There are several cats […]
L’insoumis (1964)
English Title: The Unvanquished Also Known As: Have I the Right to Kill? Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Thomas Vlassenroot (Alain Delon) deserts the French Foreign Legion in Algiers and gets caught up in a terrorist kidnapping plot. Purr Blurs: As Thomas waits on the […]
El Camino (1963)
Directed by: Ana Mariscal This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A boy, whose nickname is Mochuelo, or Owl (José Antonio Mejías), prepares to leave his small Spanish village for school in the big city, spending the last days of […]
The Gilmore Girls – “Cinnamon’s Wake”
Original Air Date: November 2, 2000 Directed by: Michael Katleman This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode! Synopsis: Rory (Alexis Bledel) is surprised to find out her mother Lorelai (Lauren Graham) is considering dating her teacher. Meanwhile their neighbors Babette (Sally Struthers) […]
Under the Autumn Moon (2018)
Directed by: Gary Yates Synopsis: Alex (Lindy Booth) is sent to a dude ranch to see if it has potential for company retreats but she falls in love with the place as well as the owner, Josh (Wes Brown). Kitty Cameos: As Alex is looking around the property she exits a barn with a longhaired […]
Puppets (2011)
Directed by: Daniels This review contains a cartoonish Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A tender moment between a man and a woman on a city street turns into something quite bizarre. Kitty Cameo (with Cartoonish Kitty Carnage Warning): It turns out the […]
The Incredible Melting Man (1977)
Directed by: William Sachs Synopsis: Steve West (Alex Rebar) is an astronaut who returns to Earth a changed man; specifically a gelatinous mess that now kills people. Kitty Cameo: Dr. Ted Nelson (Burr DeBenning) is working on the case and is seen at home with his wife Judy (Ann Sweeny) throughout the film. In one […]
Cerf-volant du bout du monde (1958)
English Translation: Kite from the End of the World Directed by: Roger Pigaut Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A group of children in Paris find a mysterious Chinese kite which leads them to adventure. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The beginning of the film finds the […]