A black cat helps an older woman with her laundry in this drama reviewed by Mark Murton.
The Stars Look Down (1940)

A black cat helps an older woman with her laundry in this drama reviewed by Mark Murton.
Purr Blurs! Two tuxedo cats make very brief and relaxed appearances in this French crime film reviewed by Ted Davis.
Purr Blur! A small bicolor cat makes an extremely brief appearance in the opening scene of this Harry Palmer series entry reviewed by Linda Kay.
A tabby kitten shares a plateful of carrots with a picky girl in this bizarre French / Italian film reviewed by Ted Davis.
A tortoiseshell cat provides a vital clue for Father Brown but gives up her life to do so (Kitty Carnage Warning!) in this episode reviewed by Mark Murton.
A black cat scrounging for food in the trash scares Donald Duck with some sound effects in this Disney animated short reviewed by Linda Kay.
A longhair white cat gets caught up in some yarn and is then forgotten for Rin Tin Tin in this silent adventure reviewed by Ted Davis.
A couple of tuxedo cats (or the same cat in two different places?) make brief Kitty Cameos in this mystery reviewed by Linda Kay.
A longhair tabby cat named Winifred is dragged along into a suicide pact in this dark comedy reviewed by Mark Murton.
Purr Blur! A black cat passes Tyrone Power when coming down the stairs in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.