The Pets Perform! (1938)

The Pets Perform! (1938)

British Pathé Synopsis: Newsreel footage shows animals performing tricks at a zoo in Prague. Reality Cat: The animal tricks are part of a circus show put on at the Prague Zoo for the amusement of its young patrons and the zoo animals as well. Among other animals, a tabby and white cat is shown jumping […]

For Your Health! (1932)

For Your Health! (1932)

Directed by: Aleksandr Medvedkin Synopsis: One of the Cinetrain films by Medvedkin which focuses on cleanliness. Kitty Cameo: The silent short film begins with a close up of a gray tabby cat preening itself. This is interspersed with a man wiping his face. The film of the cat is flipped for one moment. The cat […]

Personality – Meet Doris Zinkeisen (1946)

Personality – Meet Doris Zinkeisen (1946)

British Pathé Synopsis: Newsreel footage shows artist Doris Zinkeisen working at home with her Siamese cat nearby. Reality Cat: The segment begins with the narrator talking about the Siamese cat named Ty (it could also be spelled Thai), saying he is a “very superior cat. In the first place, he’s Siamese. And in the second, […]

Nema-ye Nazdik (1990)

Nema-ye Nazdik (1990)

English Title: Close-Up Directed by: Abbas Kiarostami Synopsis: A recreation (using the principle people from the true story) of Hossain Sabzian’s impersonation of director Mohsen Makhmalbaf to win favor with a family and the fall-out of said act. Purr Blur: At the beginning of the film, a taxi driver (Hooshang Shamaei) takes a reporter and […]

Now Playing – The Cat Rescuers

A documentary about several people who have made it their life mission to help rescue some of the more than 300,000 feral cats struggling to survive in New York City. Several screenings are currently scheduled across the country. For more information, visit the film’s official website.